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Public Safety Canada: Evaluation Summary Community Cadets Corps (CCC) Program

This Evaluation Summary and Research Report provide process evaluation findings from the Community Cadets Corps (CCC) program that were implemented and evaluated in four Aboriginal communities – Cross Lake, Manitoba; Kahkewistahaw First Nation, Saskatchewan; Touchwood Agency Tribal Council, Saskatchewan; and Hobbema, Alberta. The CCC program is designed to increase the protective factors of Aboriginal youth ages 10-18 years old that are at risk of police contact and/or engaging in criminal offences, anti-social activities, or having conduct problems or truancy at school.

Criminal Justice in Germany - Facts and Figures

6th. Edition 2015. Brochure, 85 Pages Author = Joerg Martin Jehle, Ed. = Bundesamt fuer Justiz, Bonn, Germany

Fall Conference 2015 of the Bundeskriminalamt (Federal Office of Criminal Police, Germany; November 2015, Mainz)

Some of the Documents / Presentations are also being available in English.

Race and the Criminal Justice System, England and Wales

This report, published on 26 November, 2015 compiles statistics from data sources across the Criminal Justice System (CJS), to provide a combined perspective on the typical experiences of different ethnic groups in England and Wales, 2014.

Federal Sentencing Disparity, USA, 2005-2014_BJS 2015

This Report examines patterns of federal sentencing disparity among white and black offenders, by sentence received, and looks at judicial variation in sentencing since Booker v. United States, regardless of race. It summarizes U.S. Sentencing Guidelines, discusses how approaches of other researchers to the study of sentencing practices differ from this approach, defines disparity as used in this study, and explains the methodology. This working paper was prepared by Abt Associates for BJS in response to a request by the Department of Justice' s Racial Disparities Working Group to design a study of federal sentencing disparity. Data are from BJS's Federal Justice Statistics Program, which annually collects federal criminal justice processing data from various federal agencies. The analysis uses data mainly from the U.S. Sentencing Commission

Code of Practice for Victims of Crime, England and Wales

The Ministry of Justice has recently published the results of its “Consultation Outcome: Revising the Victims´ Code”.

World Health Organisation Violence and Injury Prevention

WHO Geneva 2015 The Global status report on violence prevention 2014, which reflects data from 133 countries, is the first report of its kind to assess national efforts to address interpersonal violence, namely child maltreatment, youth violence, intimate partner and sexual violence, and elder abuse. Jointly published by WHO, the United Nations Development Programme, and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the report reviews the current status of violence prevention efforts in countries, and calls for a scaling up of violence prevention programmes; stronger legislation and enforcement of laws relevant for violence prevention; and enhanced services for victims of violence- This report is also available in other LANGUES: Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish

Related to Issue # (6): World report on violence and health

The World Health Organization launched the first World report on violence and health on October 3rd, 2002. Since then, more than 30 governments have organized national launches or policy discussions about the Report, and resolutions endorsing the Report and calling for its implementation have been passed in a number of fora, such as the World Health Assembly, the United Nations High Commission on Human Rights, and the African Union. The World report on violence and health is the first comprehensive review of the problem of violence on a global scale – what it is, whom it affects and what can be done about it. Three years in the making, the report benefited from the participation of over 160 experts from around the world, receiving both peer-review from scientists and contributions and comments from representatives of all the world’s regions.

Report on Gender Inequity in the U.S. Juvenile Justice System

The report presents research and data showing that, in the last two decades, girls' presence in the juvenile justice system has increased at all stages of the process. Key findings include the following: • Despite overall declining juvenile arrest rates, arrests for girls have increased by 45 percent. • Court caseloads for girls have increased 40 percent. • The number of girls in detention has increased 40 percent. • Post-adjudication probation increased 44 percent. • Post-adjudication placement increased 42 percent. The report makes nine reform recommendations, including decriminalizing girls' behavior linked to trauma, engaging families, addressing unnecessary detention of girls, and enacting trauma-informed approaches and evidence-informed practices. Resources: View and download the executive summary and a comprehensive infographic. Learn about OJJDP’s National Girls Initiative. Learn more about OJJDP's research and programs regarding girls' delinquency.

Collating Longitudinal Data on Crime, Victimization and Social Attitudes in England and Wales:

A recent article in the British Journal of Criminology, authored by Will Jennings et al.. Abstract: Exploring long-term trends in crime and criminal justice is a multifaceted exercise. This article introduces the construction and methodological benefits of a series of new data sets that amalgamate approximately 30 years of public data on crime, victimization, fear of crime, social and political attitudes with national socio-economic indicators in England and Wales. The data operate at both an aggregate and individual level and will be available for public use (and modification) from autumn 2015. Here, we outline the contours and contents of the data set and highlight the importance of using longitudinal data in exploring theoretical and empirical questions about crime, victimization and social attitudes.

EUCPN Multiannual Strategy 2016 - 2020

This document defines the Multiannual Strategy of the EUCPN for the period of 2016-2020.

ECPA entry 2015 DE - Medienhelden (Media Heroes)

ECPA entry 2015 DE - Medienhelden (Media Heroes) - Feeling Cybervictims’ Pain—The Effect of Empathy Training on Cyber Presentation bullying Prevention 2.0: Targeting Cyberbullying @ School

ECPA entry 2015 NL - SME Cybersecure, Cybersecurity Business edition

ECPA entry 2015 NL - SME Cybersecure, Cybersecurity Business edition presentation

ECPA entry 2015 LU - De Bibi a seng Frënn (Bibi and friends)

17 December 2015Luxembourg - ECPA 2015 The Project started in October 2013 and is stil running.

Call for papers - The Stockholm Criminology Symposium

Call for Papers for The Stockholm Criminology Symposium 2016 is now open. The main theme for 2016 is Parents, peers and prevention. There is also a general theme on Contemporary Criminology. Last day to submit your abstract is February 26, 2016.

New papers released - Methamphetamine in Adelaide and Perth: Perspectives from DUMA police detainees

Methamphetamine in Adelaide and Perth: Perspectives from DUMA police detainees Research in Practice 44 and 46 The Australian Institute of Criminology has released two papers which provide data and trends on drug offenders and the methamphetamine market in Adelaide and Perth, drawn from the AIC’s Drug Use Monitoring in Australia program, and what this means for frontline police. The data presented in this report was collected during Quarter 1 (January–February) and Quarter 2 (April–May) of 2015 at the respective watch house

Violence Against Women in the EU Member States

New resource for quantitative criminology – data set of the first EU-wide survey on violence against women The dataset of the first EU-wide survey on violence against women is now accessible for further use by researchers. The survey – carried out by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) in 2012 – interviewed 42,000 women in the 28 European Union Member States based on a representative, random (probability) sample. The survey collected data on women’s experience of physical, sexual and psychological violence, sexual harassment, stalking and violence in childhood, among other issues. The dataset of the FRA violence against women survey is stored with the UK Data Service, and it is available free of charge – see the UK Data Service website to find a description of the FRA violence against women survey dataset and the accompanying documents. Detailed information on how the data was collected can be found in the Technical Report that accompanies the survey. In addition, the survey results can be accessed using the interactive online data explorer on the FRA website. The FRA’s own analysis of the survey data is available on the FRA website in the form of a comprehensive report. Following the release of the violence against women survey dataset, FRA will be making available the datasets from its other surveys over the coming months. In each case FRA will closely examine the datasets to ensure the anonymity of respondents.

Report: Existing and Ongoing Body Worn Camera Research: Knowledge Gaps and Opportunities"

Report of the Center for Evidence Based Crime Policy at George Mason University The CEBCP at George Mason University, in collaboration with the Laura and John Arnold Foundation, is proud to release "Existing and Ongoing Body Worn Camera Research: Knowledge Gaps and Opportunities" a report by Cynthia Lum, Christopher Koper, Linda Merola, Amber Scherer and Amanda Reioux. This report organizes research questions examined in 12 existing and 30 ongoing studies on body worn cameras. By comparing this empirical body of research with a variety of knowledge sources from practice, this report identifies opportunities to improve the research evidence-base of body worn cameras for law enforcement and courts. The research team will continue to update this review on CEBCP's technology webportal and carry out a systematic review when more research is completed. If you know of an ongoing research study that should be included, please contact the research team at

For everybody interested in International Criminal Law resp. European and International Human Rights Issues

You can sign-in for the Newsletter and other types of Information at the sub-homepage of the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR)

A systematic review and meta-analysis on the effects of young offender treatment programs in Europe

Free of Charge Download-Offer for a few weeks: Journal of Experimental Criminology March 2013, Volume 9, Issue 1, pp 19-43 First online: 11 August 2012 • Johann A. Koehler • Friedrich Lösel • Thomas D. Akoensi • David K. Humphreys

Recent Reports by United Kingdom Government Authorities or Institutions:

Consultation outcome: Revising the Victims’ Code of Practice 18 December, 2015 at 10:18am

Recent Reports by United Kingdom Government Authorities or Institutions

From:Ministry of Justice, The Rt Hon Chris Grayling MP and The Rt Hon Mike Penning MP First published:21 December 2014Last updated:17 December 2015, see all updates Part of:Reoffending and rehabilitation

Recent Reports by United Kingdom Government Authorities or Institutions: Official Statistics: Youth custody data

11 December, 2015 at 09:30am [Updated: Youth custody report for October 2015 published.] Monthly statistics on the population in custody of children and young people within the secure estate. The publication also contains more detailed information on the make-up of the custody population by legal basis for detention, accommodation type, age group, gender, ethnicity and region of origin. Data are also provided on a trend basis dating back to 2000 to 2001 and 2005 to 2006 onwards for more detailed data.

Recent Reports by United Kingdom Government Authorities or Institutions: Race and the criminal justice system: 2014

National Statistics Race and the criminal justice system: 2014 From:Ministry of JusticeFirst published:26 November 2015Part of:Race and the criminal justice system ... This report compiles statistics from data sources across the Criminal Justice System (CJS), to provide a combined perspective on the typical experiences of different ethnic groups in England and Wales, 2014.

Statistics and Official Reports on German Issues

German Federal Police Office = Bundeskriminalamt Wiesbaden

(National) Police Crime Statistics 2014 Wiesbaden 2015

The Police Crime Statistics for the Federal Republic of Germany are prepared by the BKA. They are published annually – about the middle of the year – in a data file on the Internet and in book form during the second half of the year. Most copies are made available to police and judicial authorities, but also – for example – to universities. The Police Crime Statistics Yearbooks since 1997 and the corresponding tables of time-series data (“Zeitreihen”) starting in 1987 can be viewed on the BKA homepage ( Unlawful (criminal) acts investigated by the police, including attempts subject to punishment, the number of suspects established and a wide range of further data on cases, victims or suspects are included in the Police Crime Statistics. Breaches of regulations, crimes against state security and road traffic offences are not contained in this publication. In the Police Crime Statistics for the Federal Republic of Germany, the data provided by the 16 State Criminal Police Offices are presented in the form of tables and graphics along with commentaries.

Perpetrators in the field of cyber-crime - A literature analysis. 2015

Bässmann, Jörg: Part I - A phenomenological and offender typology-based Analysis Part II - Criminological explanations and scope for Action Satus: 4 December 2015 Bundekriminalamt, Kriminalistisches Institut, Forschungs- und Beratungsstelle Cybercrime KI 16

European Academy for Education and Social Research: Do you need free support in developing EU projects?

"Host traineeship for free support on EU funds Dear colleague, We are looking for organisations interested in hosting young professionals with specific skills related to EU projects. For the hosting organisations there are no costs. The trainees are chosen from 8 of the major Italian universities and they have expertise in EU funding. If your organisation is interested in funding opportunities offered by the EU and you don’t have the time or the resources to pursue them properly, you can apply for hosting students to assist your organization in developing EU funded projects. The trainees are available between February and October 2016. The maximum duration of the traineeship is 3 months. Hosting organisations have to be based in the EU (except Italy) or in Iceland, Turkey, Liechtenstein, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Norway. Your organisation can apply until the 15th January 2016. For applying please fill in this APPLICATION FORM. We will match your interests with the most corresponding profiles. 140 motivated young professionals are available. The initiative is part of the project “Universities for EU projects’ culture”, financed by Erasmus+ KA1 and developed by SEND Sicilia and EuGen – European Generation, National Contact Point for Italy of the European Projects Association (EPA). Please feel free to extend this opportunity to any other organization that might be interested. We will be grateful if you help us to share this opportunity as wide as possible. For additional information about the call please download this PDF file. For any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us." Kind regards, Marco Restifo European Project Association (EPA) -- EuGen - EPA National Contact Point for Italy Francesca Romana Zotta mail:; tel.: +39 338 8619924; +44 (0)7982607148

Download (pdf)

Existing and Ongoing Body Worn Camera Research: Knowledge Gaps and Opportunities"

Report of “The Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy at George Mason University” The CEBCP at George Mason University, in collaboration with the Laura and John Arnold Foundation, is proud to release "Existing and Ongoing Body Worn Camera Research: Knowledge Gaps and Opportunities" a report by Cynthia Lum, Christopher Koper, Linda Merola, Amber Scherer and Amanda Reioux. This report organizes research questions examined in 12 existing and 30 ongoing studies on body worn cameras. By comparing this empirical body of research with a variety of knowledge sources from practice, this report identifies opportunities to improve the research evidence-base of body worn cameras for law enforcement and courts.