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Webinar on Tackling Image-Based Sexual Abuse

Thursday, June 15th 2023


Public Policy Exchange will be hosting a webinar on Tackling Image-Based Sexual Abuse: Expanding and Improving the Criminal Justice Response to a Growing Problem which will take place on Thursday, June 15th 2023 between 9:30 AM — 1:00 PM.

Confirmed Speakers:


  • Dr Tirion Havard, Associate Professor at the Institute of Health and Social Care, London South Bank University
  • Jessica Eagelton, Policy and Public Affairs Manager at Refuge
  • Zahra Awaiz-Bilal, Senior Associate at Bolt Burdon Kemp LLP
  • Fay Maxted OBE, Chief Executive Officer at The Survivors Trust
  • Dr Brandon Sparks, Lecturer in Forensic Psychology at Kingston University London
  • Claire Bloor, Chief Executive Officer at Somerset & Avon Rape and Sexual Abuse Support (SARSAS)
  • Srijani Roy & Sumaya Mohamed, Partnership and Evaluation Worker & Participation and Inclusion Worker at London Black Women’s Project




  • Analyse existing legislation surrounding image-based sexual abuse and discuss opportunities for further legislative reform
  • Discuss the Law Commission’s recommendations for protecting victims of intimate image abuse
  • Assess the current state of the Online Safety Bill and Victims Bill and their likely impact in tackling image-based sexual abuse and protecting victims
  • Understand and tackle links between image-based sexual abuse and other forms of domestic abuse
  • Examine measures to strengthen the response of law enforcement agencies and raise awareness of revenge porn within the police
  • Assess the impact of Covid-19 on incidences of image-based sexual abuse and explore strategies to mitigate these effects
  • Address anonymity-related issues and ensure victims are able to identify and report crimes easily
  • Understand how to support victims of revenge porn, provide legal advice, and streamline access to counselling services
  • Scrutinise the role for social media companies and internet service providers in developing robust measures to accelerate the removal of revenge porn
  • Investigate the responsibility of media groups in sensitively reporting on revenge porn cases
  • Discuss ways in which schools can engage with young people to promote respect, strengthen understanding of consent, and outline the risks associated with sharing intimate material
  • Discuss parental awareness of online risks, equipping guardians with the knowledge, skills and confidence to exercise control and protect children online
  • Share examples of effective partnership working between local authorities, police, schools and community groups in developing innovative safeguarding solutions


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